Managed Services.

Oc2Tech IT Solutions Managed Services believe in Proactive Preventative Monitoring and Maintenance. Our Proactive Preventative Monitoring and Maintenance (PPM&M) IT support system utilizes market leading IT Management software to allow us to monitor your systems on an on-going basis, and manage any issues before they evolve in to problems. We have invested heavily in this area of our business, and are able to provide support for laptops, personal computers (PCs), servers, tablets, phones and an array of other devices including a wide array of specialist and niche technologies.

We utilize a number of methods for Managed Services to ensure that your IT systems are running efficiently and effectively:

PPM&M : Features and Benefits

[symple_toggle title=”Lead Consultants/engineers Approach:” state=”closed”]Oc2Tech IT Solutions provide a Lead Consultant\engineer for the Managed Services clients. This means that for the life of the contract, you will have a dedicated account consultants/engineers with full knowledge of your sites IT and business procedure. The lead consultants/engineers will document site data and also share this knowledge with at least one other member of our team (the secondary consultants/engineers) to ensure that Oc2Tech IT Solutions will always be able assist with support queries, issues or emergencies effectively.[/symple_toggle]

[symple_toggle title=”Remote IT Monitoring and Management System:” state=”closed”]Our remote IT Managed Services is a Proactive Preventative approach which monitors your Server and Workstations on a real-time basis, measuring CPU and RAMM usage, hard drive space, network uptime and other key metrics. Managed Services allows our consultants/engineers s to identify potential issues early through the automatic alert and warnings when status rules are triggered. With the information reaching us before an issue can occur, Oc2Tech IT Solutions can prevent it escalating into a problem and cause downtime – keeping your employees productive – so invest in uptime.[/symple_toggle]

[symple_toggle title=”Software Maintenance: ” state=”closed”]All Software update are approved by Oc2Tech IT Solution bi weekly as they are published. These updates are then downloaded by your local server, or assigned PC to download. All workstations are alerted of the update approval and downloaded packages. This saves you bandwidth that would have been used by each workstation downloading each package on their own.[/symple_toggle]

[symple_toggle title=”Client Portal:” state=”closed”] Oc2Tech IT Solutions have a state of the art help desk system that assigned users can login, create tickets, check status and progress of tickets. This allows us to assign tickets to the earliest available Consultant\engineer to respond and assist at earliest time.[/symple_toggle]

[symple_toggle title=”Improve Uptime:” state=”closed”] Proactive Preventative Maintenance IT Managed Services from Oc2Tech IT Solutions will improve your IT system up time by having problems resolved before downtime can occur. Oc2Tech IT Solutions can schedule a suitable time to rectify the early warnings. This ensures that you network runs stable during critical business hours.[/symple_toggle]

[symple_toggle title=”Proactive Preventative Maintenance:” state=”closed”]

Oc2Tech IT Solutions perform IT Managed Services behind the scene to allow your employees to be able to work while critical site maintenance are done to prevent major failures and downtime.

Weekly Maintenance for Managed Services include action like:
System Restore Point
Flush DNS Resolver Cash
Clear Internet Explorer Temp Files
Clear User Temp Folders
Windows Disk Clean-up
Check Disk System Drive
Defragment of all drives

Hardware maintenance and support are done on site with site visits as per arrangement with involved entities.


[symple_toggle title=”Future Ready IT Systems:” state=”closed”]Oc2Tech IT Solutions will always advise on the latest technologies, cost-effective and best suitable solution to you with – we believe in growing with our clients. With a future approach Oc2Tech IT Solutions advise, recommend, configure and manage our client’s infrastructure to move seamlessly into any new technology developments – today’s equipment acquisition is ready for tomorrow’s solution requirements. [/symple_toggle]

[symple_toggle title=”On-Site IT Support: ” state=”closed”]Oc2Tech IT Solutions consultants/engineers are accredited by some of the world’s leading companies – including Microsoft, Cyberoam, D-Link, Pastel, Kaspersky etc. – meaning you can be sure they will get it right first time with any call outs. [/symple_toggle]

If you have an IT concerns and need Managed Services support, a second opinion, or if you would like to discuss the Proactive Preventative Maintenance IT Managed Services  we offer, feel free to call us on 016 423 4693 or get in touch via our contact form.